COVID Saloon
We’ll meet again, out of sight, out of mindlessness, without spite, and out of range … touching on what matters … and we certainly won’t be looking at each other from a distance, or peering through some Venere of planetary panning …
Let’s face it… we all know the power games, just some aren’t willing to accept the reality of the abnormal, the abysmal and the labyrinth of life’s pathogens, paving ways of fiction against a backdrop of pathetic reality… the wars, the abuses, poverty and portrayals, whores of money, addicts of power… Abacus, Backgammon, Chess, Go, Monopoly, Mahjong… nuclear, nucleus, pathological, psychological…
Mark to market, smash the markets, manipulate, recalculate, emasculate, gesticulate, infiltrate, castrate, castagate … blame, frame, inflame, with all the more unreason, treason, to infuriate, conflagrate, agitate, poison minds over matters, matter of fact without truth…
I see it differently, let’s discuss it privately before going public? Doing what you want to do, doing it well, excelling and following your beliefs, is success in itself, which will determine which obligations, invitations, and people you want to be responsible for and/or share time with, be it mentoring, minding, relaying or relaxing … doing what you want is what makes one truly successful.
It’s important to find balance, keep moving, keep spinning and rotating the mind amidst the cacophony of noise, to grow and nurture, nourish and provide, be it wisdom, wealth and/or worry…