High Rock-n-Rollers and Big Stakes in the EU Casino tonight

2 min readApr 11, 2019


There’s a reason why most casinos tend to have few to no windows and are regulated within a framework of artificial light. Is this enough to keep the gamblers conveniently succumbed to illusion, distracted by the spinning Russian roulette wheels, the Slovakian slot machines and oblivious to the staid, one might add, sedate Austrian-style wine merchants sipping on their own wares, passing time perniciously?

Perfidious Albion meets Caveat emptor en masse.

The European Union casino empire has become the place to be seen and heard, presently attracting some of the largest High Rollers from around the world.

Representatives from China, the UK, Russia and the US are all milling about, garnering attention from the media and on-lookers, but from within the tensions spilling across European Union borders and the seas of trade turmoil, there are obvious shenanigans at play.

It doesn’t take a little Rocket Man, an Airbus or a Boeing or even an appointed Head of State to see who’s winning hands down … China’s BRI strategy has been planned over decades, carefully thought through and is being implemented at all the tables.

A simple question: Is this all a distraction from where the real business is taking place?

And deserving of a simple answer: Yes! 👀

And we’re not just talking about Salmon Fishing in the Yemen or angling for Black Sea bass in mirky submarine research waters. We’re all about reel tackle, off-shore and emerging markets stocks, fishes and real trading opportunities… are you in or are you not game? Keep flexable … keep walking … extending the frontiers… widening your horizon …


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Written by JAMES WITH

Acting, film making, laughing, digging, crying, caring & sharing, always interested in people and their experiences... https://about.me/jameswith

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