Pathological Deception… Turning the World on its Axis

3 min readDec 28, 2021


Why? 🤔

Great achievements happen during all wars… and WWIII ⚙️ (2019–2027) is no exception; just different from previous battles… we will not go quietly into the night… we will rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light…

Pathological Deception Nanopartical Dissemination
Pathological Deception History Repeats
Reel is as real as virtual … and there’s no separating virtuosity from virtual velocity

We continue to work towards building and creating a better world… and by the way of a seasonal update to round out 2021, I can say we are moving mountains, albeit shovel by shovel, amidst the turmoil of a struggling world… fortunately residing in the Kingdom of Thailand is comfortable and we are faring better than most; I moved here many years ago in anticipation of what is happening in Western countries, including Australia these days… dystopian authoritarian over-reaching control kills people, literally as well as metaphysically…

In Thailand, the Government has been steering a carefully managed course, but of course there are dissenters, both locally and abroad; next year the Kingdom will have pivotal and most likely violent elections, with internal and external antagonists stirring the pot, fake MSM media addressing human rights issues and constitutional particulars in typically biased and agenda driven sound bites … one must remember the Kingdom has successfully navigated itself through WWI and WWII, as well as other wars and troubles, and it is now working its way through WWIII (2019–2027), which poses new and complex issues in an ever increasingly interconnected global matrix driven by AI technologies, nepotism, corporate and governmental suppression and control… peoples the world over are subjected to situations that mimic previous periods in history, albeit mostly unaware of the parallels…

The world is now evolving at light speed, adding new dimensions with the creation of metaverses in the Metacosm (analogous to solar systems or galaxies in the universe-multi universe paradigm), where most will become immersed and continue to secularise into greater personal seclusion within their bubbles of preference … as a species we must remain faithful and embrace change or die out, being superseded by robotics, technology and the ever consuming Matrix… reel is as real as virtual … and there’s no separating virtuosity from virtual velocity. ⚙️💡🥸

During 2021, Stark Networks has continued to learn, research and delve into a whole manner of projects and development, remaining focused, exploring crypto and cryptography, digitalisation and tokenisation, mining and … we have even started minting a few NFT’s

To all reading this, please enjoy the things that make you and those you share time with feel good, help those around you and focus on staying safe, healthy, and happy … balancing life is vital; each moment is ephemeral, and we never know when our creators decide to it’s time to move on to the stars…

Best wishes to one and all 💞🙏

James Wearing-Smith
President, Stark Networks HK

Investment Property Technology

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2022 and beyond… #StarkNetworks looking forward to #Thailand’s #innovation #development #QuantumEnergy #CryptoIsland #DEA #DCPro #districtenergysystems #GeoBitmine #crypto #cryptomining #BTC #energy #conservation #smarthomes #smartcities #smartislands #geothermal #renewables #geothermalenergy #NFTs #Metaverse





Written by JAMES WITH

Acting, film making, laughing, digging, crying, caring & sharing, always interested in people and their experiences...

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